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7 months ago
After million years, the system is finally given a body to complete one goal: Ascending to... Read more After million years, the system is finally given a body to complete one goal: Ascending to godhood!What kind of journey lay ahead and obstacles she need to overcame?How many young masters will become victim to her divine slap?How many times does she turn common sense upside down?How many people have an eye but fail to recognize Mt. Tai?Follow her journey from becoming a human until she leaps the dragon gate and becomes an unrivaled goddess.----------------English is not my first language, so please tell me if you found any grammatical errors or incorrect words. Very much appreciated!Please leave a review so I can improve my writing and give you a good read. Collapse Alchemy, Beautiful Couple, Beautiful Female Lead, Character Growth, Cooking, Cultivation, Depictions of Cruelty, Devoted Love Interests, Overpowered Protagonist, Past Plays a Big Role, Protagonist Loyal to Love Interest, R-18, Strong Love Interests, Strong to Stronger, System Administrator, Unique Cultivation Technique, Unique Weapon User, LitRPG I wonder if it will get an update here????? it was quite enjoyable before getting stuck in examination namek I really loved the idea behind this novel, it's really different. There's chapter 34 that i really loved. If you need a word to describe this chapter it would be "new" or "refreshing", you don't get this kind of experience in other cultivation novels. Well, this novel in itself is very peculiar, so it's really something new to read. Plus i'm a big fan of yuri novels so i love it. Nobody can pass on some hot steamy yuri after all hehe Hello author here.For all readers here, please visit the original source in Webnovel to show your appreciation for this book. Author can't force you to spend your money on this book but at least you can spare your time to sign up in and vote for the book with Power Stone or Golden Ticket. That is all what author wants to say. Thank you all! If you got a proper editor i think people would actually want to read it I do not know English, I was going to read through a Google translator. There were complaints about the level of editing, but I looked at webnovel and they didn't complain there. Is there better quality text on webnovel?? You generally wont find negative reviews on webnovel. Authors/Translators can delete them and often do. will there be a sequel? this would have been REALLY GOOD if it had a nice grammar ! I really hope the grammar gets better. Yeah, it doesnt. Don't waste your time on broken English. What do you mean broke English? I read through it and had no issues - sure, there may have been some small grammatical or spelling errors but nothing so big I recall it as 'broken'. Irony It obviously has grammar issues LMAO. There is not one sentence that doesn't have grammar issues or spelling mistake. If you think otherwise you are delusional The book is interesting, but the updates are too slow. Give it a read you will not regret it. Is this a female protagonist? If so, I'm a man so it doesn't match my personality As a Man (a cultured Man who loves Yuri. One woman is great. Now imagine steamy action between 2 women. Now that’s hot to read or watch!) Tf is this sexist mentality of thinking FMC is somehow any less action and schemes packed then Male MC. Our FMC here is a Empress of bitch slapping arrogant young master, action is fun and flex worthy, Schemes are on point and sometimes acts like a Dense Artificial General intelligence that’s slowly gaining human emotions The mystery and hidden backstory to FMC existence is very intriguing. and yuri love is great.Also in most system stories, The system is just a helper with no Will of its own. But here System IS the FMC, so basically our FMC is a Cultivation world Artificial General Intelligence. This story has twist to basic system story, FMC is badass and adorable and her backstory and past is shrouded in mystery. It’s overpowered protagonist. YET it sets up final or Mid sorry villains our FMC Will probably have a very hard time beating with just pure strength so there will be many flex worthy mind games. Go back to reading ur pathetic harem, thinking with dick protagonist stories. Fu#k off, u sexist Bitch. Ur worth is less than pennies at the bottom of septic tank. Congratulations, you just caught the bait and fell for a troll 😂 Damn, You are DEPRAVED, I haven't seen someone as pathetic as you lmaoo, Everyone has their own preference, even I don't like FMC lead that make's me sexist lmaooo stop living in your bubble. Well if you don't like FMC lead just bc she's a girl, you ARE sexist. That's the literal definition of the word, discrimination based on sex. Why exactly do you not like FMC's that doesn't have to do with shitty writing? You really represent the whole of twitter, twisting words and making someone look bad who hasn't said shit, I never said I disliked girls, I'm a straight guy lmao, When I read novels I put myself in the shoes of the MC, how can I, as a man put myself in the shoes of a female, these are preferences bruv do not get it twisted you lier. Sure, that makes sense. If you'll notice that in my original comment I gave you an opportunity to explain why. I didn't call you sexist then, I only said if it's solely bc they were a girl that you disliked it, then you were sexist. Okay yeah maybe I was over the line as well. Never have I seen a idiot with as much cognitive Dissonance as Q Anon CrackHead. U call others pathetic or depraved but Here ur are defending ur Sexism by writing a insult to someone. What a sad pathetic man. ?? Tf. Look at what we have here guys!!!, A Crotch Gremlin that was birthed out of a deformed Goblin and shoved into bottom of septic tank telling others that I am depraved.Lol u sound like a kid who just learned how to swear or curse without knowing the meaning or context behind it. Do u even know the meaning of that word? Here is a basic idea of meaning of that word: A depraved person means someone who indulges in morally corrupt or evil actions out for his own pleasure or hedonism. Me saying to a another gremlin that not liking a story with FMC purely for the fact that she is a Girl is sexist and then this dumb f#ck comes here with a Lonny Comment Cuz I guess He himself got offended that I called ppl like the original Gremlin sexist and so here u are trying to mumble words u have no idea the meaning of to defend urself by saying ur not sexist. I bet ur the same type of dumbass that comes with arguments as Funny,Bizarre, and Punchable as ‘I am not a Racist, I have a black Friend!!’. Now let’s review ur idiotic Comment. Damn, You are DEPRAVED, I haven't seen someone as pathetic as you lmaoo, Everyone has their own preference, even I don't like FMC lead that make's me sexist lmaooo stop living in your bubble.I guess my criticism of Ppl not liking FMC purely she is girl EVEN if the story is exactly how a MC in a Action in fantasy world with System is.This story is fast paced, action based, and lots of mental and physical flexes (FMC is a Empress of Bitch Slapping idiots and arrogant young masters(hey idiots included so a bitch Slap is coming ur way someday.)And it has a twist on the System idea, The FMC IS the system. FMC is a Artificial General Intelligence gaining human emotion slowly. Also just like there is romance or harem in MC based story, this has steamy Yuri stuff. The story is exactly how action/OP/System/Cultivation world goes with a MC. And u said u don’t like FMC cuz she is a girl. That is the EXACT definition of Sexism. Ok, give me more nuanced reason to not liking this story other than ‘SHE IS A GIRL, I DONT LIKE THIS STORY’ for why u aren’t sexist cuz by ur own comment ur proving urself to be one. I must say, Ur existence is quite worthless. Do u know ur worth?Ur worth is even more worthless than Single penny inside a garbage dump. Mate you have too much time on your hands, I didn't even spare a glance at what you sand you insect, People like you really need to learn your worth because sooner or later you'll learn it the hard way. My dude, it’s summer and I got time. Plus I get to see an idiot like u keep mumbling bigoted jiberish . I know ur pathetic enough and ur ego is so fragile that u will keep on yapping. So come on make urself useful by braking like a dog with rabies. It is the only thing ur good at. And like Vast said, Ur cognitive dissonance is quite as high as QAnon NutJob so come on. Keep barking You're reading this you pervert and have a weird fetish I like normal novels whether it's a boy or a girl, not the one with the weird fetish I am OK with FMC but Yuri nah it just doesn't fit well with me, but anyway this is going to be good in my opinion according to the spoilers in your comment. I'm the same if normal, yuri? It's just a strange fetish who reads I'm Normal, and you have a weird fetish I like normal female novels no yuri or romance, yuri is favored with strange fetishes Honestly, I still do not understand the collective hysteria just because of an opinion, there are people who take better advantage of the story with something they share with the character , I see no problem, each has its liking - respect the opinion of others and stop fighting for futile reasons. Sure I get that but I feel like most people after reading so many cultivation stories… they start to get into a expected pattern. My question is are there readers who simply can’t read if they can’t put themselves in the shoes of MC, like not all stories you wanna be in the shoes of MC. I have never in my life desired to be Klien from LoTM and when I am reading it, Its more like I am watching the story through the eyes of Klien not “being klien”. Robot, AI, animal(not reincarnation rather pov from an animal slowly gaining sentience), or anything unique in a cultivation or fantasy story…. If the story or synopsis is good…. Why wouldn’t you try to read it? This story hasn’t updated for 10 months but a FMC that is a fragmented AGI created in a cultivation world through some means is genuinely one of the most interesting cultivation story just as a plot and people will pass the book off simply because it has a FMC… that feels very shallow & I don’t understand such a mindset at all, It does also annoy me seeing just how worked up I was. Now I think I went a bit far by saying the joker gremlin and crotch goblin were sexist, they probably aren’t but they are shallow & feeble minded people seeing the amount of shallow causes they gave for not reading the book I have to say the below conversation is the betterbest than some novels I have read in a while on ranobes. I'm trying to find a novel that sits well with me. Sometimes just some things make me dislike a novel. I have been reading novels for a few years(maybe 4) and I have been wasting so much time a day that now, I can instantly tell which novel I like based on the name, synopsis and reviews. For example: 'A rattling monster' got me hooked for a few days just based on the synopsis, the reviews were bad I admit but I enjoyed it. And I am uncomfortable reading anything yuri or BL(you get it the perverted types). I hardly read the tags, but once a story has some elements like these, I kind of don't end up liking them, this must be due to my wonderful upbringing by my parents that I am not that much influenced by the LGBT whatever trend. And I am a 19 this month and started using internet without much supervision from age 5. Don't ask I visited my uncle every weekend he had a few old computers I used one. Now if anyones still reading thanks for reading, I just had time to waste and I thought why not remove this mental burden that suddenly hit me.Also check out my novel Chosen by the elements on WN and Royal Road. Review it if you can, bye for real. There is an r18 tag, anyone care to elaborate to what extent that is true? Is this a female protagonist? If so, I'm a man so it doesn't match my personality It’s steamy Yuri sex. (But there aren’t much tho. Maybe has happened twice like actual Yuri. Small affection to FMC’s Yuri harem is always there (tho for now, She only has 1 love interest). Read this, In this book. The System IS the FMC, and our FMC is in some sense Cultivation world AI. Hmmm , steamy yuri? I guess I’ll give it a shot eh Ur new profile pic is EVEN BETTER than the nice boobas previous Profile pic all girls harem right? funatari right? Futa? No is the couple male or female?